Have you ever watched some of those live-drama, police operation documentaries or films back in the 1980’s,...
ResQSoft Blog
Catch Up On The Latest NewsThe Power Of System Integration In Data Processing
System integration, also simply known as SI, is the process of putting in a new system, which can still relate and...
Oracle WebCenter: Benefits of a unified ECM Platform
Most times presentations, spreadsheets, documents and emails in organizations are created faster than we can keep...
Resiliency In Business Application Integration
What happens when a business software application fails? Human intervenes. That’s the most common reaction. This...
Legacy Modernization – What? When? And Above All, Why?
Legacy modernization – What? Legacy modernization is a constant attempt for companies to improve their services and to...
Application Integration Software: Foundation Of Any Business
No one can solely depend on the market these days. They cannot predict what will rise and what might fall as new...
Software Development – The Future of Your Business is in the Hands of the IT Brains
This is the land of development of a software product , meaning the activity of computer programming, the process of...
How to Buy Business Integration Software
It is safe to say that one of the best constructs of this century is technology. Not only is there technology to help...
Modernizing IDMS and ADS/O Systems
CA-IDMS... one of the top mainframe software development and database systems from years gone by. ADS/O for the...